Thursday, March 24, 2016

Go Down Swinging

When I was a kid, I was an athlete.  Literally.  I was on of the Top 10 Riders in the U.S.  When I was in my 20's I went on to ride my horse and other people's horses to be the Top 10 in Canada.  I won prize money, I trained, and practiced, and participated.  

As a kid, I was an athlete.  I played soccer, baseball, and swam when the sun was out.  When it was cold I skied.  I even dated a boy once who was really good at tennis and somehow picked that up and did fairly well.  When I was in my 30's I was a triathlete.  Granted, not one of the best, but I WAS.  Today I decided to become "I AM" because I am sick of saying "I WAS."  I also got to thinking, what type of example am I setting for my kids with an I WAS attitude?

Today I went on a run, some would probably call it a slow jog...maybe even a crawl and I can accept that, but the point is, I went.  I went because I wanted to live the lessons I have been screaming at my son this baseball season.  "Go Down Swinging."

My children don't aspire to be great athletes.  Well, maybe my step-son is, but my two biological children, they just weren't born that way.  Every sport I put them in when they were younger soccer, tennis, riding, swimming, ice-skating...all my dreams ended when they were old enough to push back.  One of my favorite stories is when my daughter halted a whole soccer game because she saw a ladybug.  She did have the passion to get EVERYONE ON THE FIELD to stop the ball and look...and she did save the poor little bug, but right there I knew that I wanted it more than she did.

So, as they grew I made one choice for them.  A rule that they would have to abide by...until they can drive their car to college and get away from my nagging voice.  You don't have to be great, but you have to be active.  Pick one sport every season and do it well.  There will be no private coaches (that I
can't afford anyway), there will just be being active.

My son's sport this season is baseball.  A sport quite honestly he barely picked  As a matter of fact, his sister picked it for him.  Years ago, she wanted to do baseball as her seasonal sport, so I threw him in it as well.  A two for one.  That way I didn't have to try to get two different sports.  Since they are close in age, they could play on the same team.

My son has never had the passion for athletics, except designing and playing on his iPad, which apparently at some colleges is a sport but not in this house.  He's an easy going kid with a sweet personality.  He has never screamed at the TV when watching sports.  Honestly I don' think that he really watches sports.  He would rather give one to you then take one from you, he doesn't compete against least not so far.  

This season started much like the last and the last was torture for this loud mouthed, extraverted personality.  When he was at plate, wouldn't swing.  You read that right he wouldn't SWING. He wouldn't try and he would often be told by the coach to simply bunt in hopes that at least he would get someone else on the bases to advance.  My son never cared, but I did. 

This season I sat him down and said, "I don't care if you are the best athlete, but treat baseball like life and at least go down swinging.  Don't hope for a walk, aim for the fences."  

Yesterday, he did it.  He took my advice and swung the bat!!!  He swung every time and guess what, he made it on base EVERYTIME...and ya know what, he even seemed more passionate afterwords.  He was proud.  I make no promises for next game, sorry coach, but this game he learned the lesson that we all learn in life.  When life hands you bad experiences, or something isn't turning out the way that you want you have to find the passion, you have to find the drive.  You don't just give up.  You GO DOWN SWINGING!

And so last night I got to thinking about my advice and decided to take it on for myself and my fitness.  Yes, my knees hurt.  Yes, I WAS an athlete...but ya know what?  I still AM. 

So, I ran today and said two things to myself.  One to my body that I say to my daughter when she runs, "Give them an inch and they will take a mile."  Take that laziness and flabby stomach and thighs.  

And the other, "Go Down Swinging."  My knees may hurt, my body may ache...but this is my time.  I am not giving myself a break.  I wouldn't have even considered it in my younger days.  I will not accept it in my children and I won't accept it in myself.  So, today I am going to hit for the fences and not allow myself to be lazy.  It may have been only 3 miles of a snails passed jog, but I swung for the fences and made it on base!

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